Sometimes being at the right place at the right time can give you unique tasting experiences. It is my experience that being close to André Ribeirinho will increase the chances a lot. When he involves his good friend Dirk Niepoort to be a part, then the potential for good wine experiences has no limits. This happened again this year, when we were at the Port Wine Day. We got stuck at a Quinta with not so interesting wines, and on a Saturday night that is not fun. A short time later we were sitting around a table at Quinta do Napoles with Dirk Niepoort as our generous host. I cannot thank Dirk enough for his generosity and hospitality.

These were the wines served to us this evening, and apart from the first one, all wines were served blind.

2015 D+D Niepoort & Philipp Kettern, Falkenberg, Riesling, Mosel – just what I was craving for.…
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